Blog Post

Medication, Health, Safety Policies and Procedures

  • By Amanda Paugh
  • 02 Aug, 2018

Pine Hill - Parent Handbook: Medication, Illness, Emergencies, Sunscreen

Medication, Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

Medical Concerns: 

We are concerned for the health and safety of each child in our center. When we are made aware of a medical concern in your child’s classroom we will post a notice on your child’s classroom door. Please help us maintain a healthy atmosphere by notifying us if your child is exposed to or is diagnosed with an infectious disease. Your child’s name will not be released.


If your child shows any of the following signs of illness you will be notified immediately:

  • Temperature of 100°F or higher (taken with under the armpit), when in combination with any other sign or symptom of illness.
  • Diarrhea (three or more abnormally, unexpectedly or unexplained loose stools within a twenty-four hour period).
  • Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound.
  • Difficult or rapid breathing.
  • Yellowish skin or eyes.
  • Redness of the eye or eyelid, thick and purulent (pus) eye discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching or eye pain.
  • Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes.
  • Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool.
  • Stiff neck with elevated temperature.
  • Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations.
  • Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing.
  • Vomiting more than one time or when accompanied by any other sign or symptom of illness.

If your child shows any of the above signs of illness, you will be called to pick up your child immediately. To avoid the spread of illness, your child will be removed from the classroom and kept comfortable in the front office until they are picked up. You may be asked to sign a statement of illness upon pick up which will notify you of the requirements for your child to return to school. These requirements may include a signed doctor’s note, 24 hours symptom free, etc.


In the event that a medical emergency should occur, the center will call 911, and your child may be transported by EMTs to the nearest medical facility. In this case you will be contacted as soon as possible. Center staff will not transport your child in case of a medical emergency. If time allows parents may transport instead of EMTs. All financial responsibility for medical services will be accepted by parents. All parents must give approval on the Emergency Transportation Authorization section of the Child Enrollment and Health Information form. If approval is not given, your child will be refused enrollment to our center.

Incident Reports:

If your child receives a mild injury during school such as scrapes, bumps, bruises, etc. your child’s teacher will complete an Incident/Injury Report at the time of the accident. The report will contain the nature of the injury, time of injury, the situation leading up to the injury, and the treatment of the injury. The director will review the report and call you if necessary. You will be asked to sign and date the report at the time of pickup and you will receive a copy within 24 hours if requested. A copy will be kept at the center. For an injury that requires professional medical treatment or that may require later medical attention by a physician, the director and the teacher present at the time of the injury will fill out an Accident Report. You will be asked to sign and date this form and you will receive a copy as well. A copy will be kept in your child’s file.

Administration of Medication: 

No medication can be administered without a completed Request of Administration of Medication form. Parents will be required to provide a signed authorization including:

  • Procedures of administration and dosage for each medication being administered
  • List of potential reactions to medications (staff will monitor and notify you accordingly)
  • Specific dates and times medication should be administered

All medication must be dropped off at the front desk and will be kept in a secure location. Medications (with the exception of sunscreen and diaper cream) may not be kept in the classroom or your child’s bag. Medication can only be administered if it is appropriately labeled with doctor’s name, child’s name, and dosage procedures on the bottle. We cannot administer over-the-counter medications without a prescription from a physician.


We follow the state guidelines for applying sunscreen. As the weather begins to get warmer, you will be asked to bring in sunscreen for your child and fill out a form, giving the center permission to apply sunscreen to your child. Your child’s sunscreen will be labeled and kept in a secured place. Sunscreen may not be kept in your child’s cubby or bag. Our teachers will apply sunscreen before outdoor sun exposure, if needed.

School Age Students and Medication:

If your child has an emergency medication, we will allow the emergency medication to be stored in your child’s classroom or teacher bag. No child is permitted to carry their own medication. For all medications, we will need you to complete and sign an Administration of Medication form.

By Pamela Dudley 07 Jul, 2020
Keeping our center clean and germ free is a full-time job!  The staff at Pine Hill has approached our cleaning protocols with vigor and energy!!  
We disinfect our classrooms daily. In fact we are cleaning all day-- after spills, in between uses in our learning centers and after all meals and activities.  Ask any teacher and they will tell you that cleaning is the number one priority for a clean and safe environment.

Our second line of defense is to be aware of every person who enters our doors. We check and respond to elevated temperatures and watch for other signs of illness.  Our goal is to keep every child and adult healthy while providing an engaging school experience.  Our parents are encouraged to keep sick children home to ensure that everyone remains healthy and strong.  It is so much easier to learn when we feel our best!  Together we can all minimize the risk of illness. by being careful and diligent.  Take Care!
By Pamela Dudley 07 Jul, 2020
It's a message worth repeating- hand washing is by far the best way to keep kids from getting sick and prevent the spread of germs.   When kids come into contact with germs, they can become infected just by touching their eyes, nose, or mouth.  And once they're infected, it's usually just a matter of time before the whole family comes down with the same illness.  Good hand washing is the first line of defense  against the spread of many illnesses-- from the common cold to more serious infections, such as meningitis, bronchiolitis, the flu, Hepatitis A, many types of diarrhea as well as the  Corona Virus.
Don't underestimate the power of hand washing!  The time you spend at the sink could save you trips to the doctor's office.  Encourage your child to wash their hands before eating, after using the bathroom, after touching animals, before and after visiting friends or relatives, after coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose and after being outside.  It is a step worth taking.  Be safe!
By Pamela Dudley 02 Jun, 2020
Giving children the tools that they need to be confident and resilient!
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